Tuesday 5 January 2016

Week 4

Today Paul talked to us for awhile about our blog and what makes a good one. He shown us a few
examples of past pupils blogs and went through what where the pros and cons, elements like the
presentation of the blog and way that they are written were the main factors. Now I am confident that I have presented my blog in a clearly, I didn't want to make it flashy with multicoloured text and a bold background, in my opinion it doesn't like good. However I do believe that when it comes to the written elements of my blog thats where my main downfall will come from (I say this while writing a blog) because I don't have a particular affinity for writing.

After Paul finished talking about the blog he went on to talk about Steve Jobs and with great
admiration too. He says that Jobs changed the world four times, The Mac, Ipod, Ipad and Iphone. The
first Macs were the first PC's before there was PC's. The Ipod change the way we listen to music and how we store are own collection. The Ipad has now got a place within business and made presentational work far more efficient and convenient. The Iphone has made everyone more connected than ever as well as changing the way we communicate.

We were then shown a commencement speech that Jobs did at the Stanford in 2005 and it was truly awe inspiring. He talked about the start to the end of his journey at that point and time, a
bout how he first started his business and then was fired. About how he found that when he was unsure about what to do it was the best times of his life because it lead to some of his best innovations and creative periods of his life. He said that when he was fired from apple "the heaviness of being successful was replaced by lightness of being a beginner again." I think that can a be message for any designer, to be always looking for something new. One of the things that I found the most interesting was that he was able to use knowledge that he thought that would never benefited him such as taking a calligraphy class after dropping out of College. This would go on to the reason why the first Mac had multiple type faces and Jobs would then go on a get a dig in to Microsoft saying they copied this and thats why every PC has them. It just goes to show, don't skip out on learning something new, you never know when it could be useful to you.

At the end of the lecturer Paul would then go on to talk about the culture differenced between Apple
and Microsoft and how that played apart in how the business where run and how it affected the
products that they made. Both companies came from different parts of America, Apple in California
and Microsoft in Albuquerque. Apple is consider to be very free thinking and Liberal while Microsoft
would be much more Business oriented and conservative. I guess even when it comes to technology
where you come from highly affects what you make, just like in art.

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